Saturday, October 2, 2010


Fire Prevention Week

This week is Fire Prevention Week. 2010's theme is:
Smoke Alarms: A Sound You Can Live With

Fire drill by Paul DuBois Jacobs (Y PICTURE DuBOIS, J.)
In this story told in brief rhyming text, students in a class follow the proper procedures during a fire drill.

Fireboy to the Rescue! : a Fire Safety Book by Edward Miller (Y 628.92 MILLER)
Fireboy gives tips on preventing fires and staying safe if a fire does start.

Fire safety by Dana Meachen Rau (Y 628.92 RAU)
Identifies common fire hazards and advises how to deal with them.

Smoke alarms by Lucia Raatma (Y 628.92 RAATMA)
Discusses the importance of having smoke detectors in the home, the different kinds of detectors and how they work, and what to do when they sound.

Stop drop and roll by Margery Cuyler (Y PICTURE CUYLER, M.)
Jessica, who worries about everything from her spelling homework to remembering to fill her dog's water dish, learns that fire safety begins with extinguishing her fears.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October Calendar